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Virtual Labs
IIT Kharagpur


Discretization of continuous system


  1. At first enter the coefficient values of the transfer function and sampling time. Here default sampling time T is 0.1.

  2. Click on 'G(s)' button to get the partial fraction form of the given transfer function.

  3. Clicking on 'Discretization' dropdown-menu for different methods.

  4. Click on the desired option to get the discrete form of the system.

  5. Click on 'Clear' button to get results for new transfer function.

$$G (s) = \frac{b_0 s^2 + b_1 s + b_2}{a_0 s^2 + a_1 s + a_2}$$
Enter the value b0 :

Enter the value b1 :

Enter the value b2 :

Enter the value a0 :

Enter the value a1 :

Enter the value a2 :

Enter the sampling time T :

Partial Fractions form of given system, G(s):

Discretized form of the given system, G(z):