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IIT Kharagpur


Discretization of continuous system

Steps to perform the simulation

  1. At first enter the coefficient values of the transfer function and sampling time T.

  2. Fig. 1. Coefficient values entry for continuous transfer function

  3. Click on 'G(s)' button to get the partial fraction form of the given transfer function.

  4. Fig. 2. Partial fraction form of continuous transfer function

  5. Clicking on 'Discretization' dropdown-menu for different methods.

  6. Fig. 3. Dropown menu for selecting discretization menthod

  7. Click on the desired option to get the discrete form of the system.

  8. Fig. 4. Desired option toget the disctre form

  9. Results of the discretized form will be displayed for the selcted method.

  10. Results of the discretized form: Impulse Invariance Method.

  11. Fig. 5. Discretization form of Impulse Invariance Method

  12. Results of the discretized form: Bilinear Transformation Method.

  13. Fig. 6. Discretization form of Bilinear Transformation Method

  14. Click on 'Clear' button to get results for new transfer function.