DNA analysis by agarose gel electrophoresis

Experimental Biochemistry Virtual Laboratory -->

DNA analysis by agarose gel electrophoresis

  1. Click on "Start the Experiment" button to start the experiment.
  2. Select components for preparing the mixture and click on "Heat the mixture (30 sec)" button.
  3. Next click on the microwave image.
  4. Select "Add Ethidium Bromide (EtBr)" checkbox. Next click on "Gel Preparation" button and on conical flask image. This will pour the prepared gel in the casting tray. Allow the gel to solidify at room temperature.
  5. Click on "Remove comb" button to view the wells.
  6. Next, click on the gel that is being solidified in the casting tray. On clicking, the gel will be placed in the electrophoresis chamber.
  7. Now, select the components for preparing the samples and click on "Sample preparation" button.
  8. Next Click "Add Buffer" button, and on "Buffer" bottle image to immerse the gel with the buffer.
  9. Now, Click on the dropdown and select "Load Sample A". Click on the pipette and drag the pipette near the lane (or well) A in the electrophorersis chamber. Repeat for sample B, C, and D.
  10. Click on "Cover the electrophorersis chamber" button.
  11. Click on "Setting up Electrophoresis" button. Next to connect, click and drag the negative connector of electrophorersis chamber to negative connector of power supply. And, click and drag positive connector of electrophorersis chamber to positive connector of power supply. For any wrong connection, click on the wire to disconnect. (The positive connector is colored red, whereas the negative connector is colored black.)
  12. Now click on "V" button of the power supply to switch ON the power. Click on "+" sign button of the power supply to set the voltage between 50 V and 100 V.
  13. Click on the run icon button to run the gel. The sample will move from negative to positive side. It will stop once it reaches the positive end.
  14. Click on the stop icon button to switch OFF the power.
  15. Click on the top cover the electrophorersis chamber image to remove it.
  16. Click on the gel. The gel will be placed in the UV machine.
  17. Next Click on "Visualization of the DNA under UV light" to turn on UV light
Note: To repeat the experiment, click on the "Re-Do the Experiment" button.
Input Panels
Step 1
Select components for gel preparation:
Step 2
Select the components for sample B, C and D.
Note: DNA ladder is in sample A.
Step 3
Step 4