Estimation of Project Metrics

1. According to the COCOMO model, a project can be categorized into

3 types

5 types

5 types

No such categorization

2. In Intermediate COCOMO model, Effort Adjustment Factor (EAF) is derived from the effort multipliers by

Adding them

Multiplying them

Taking their weighted average

Considering their maximum

3. Project metrics are estimated during which phase?

Feasibility study




4. According to Halsetad's metrics, program length is given by the

Sum of total number of operators and operands

Sum of number of unique operators and operands

Total number of operators

Total number of operands

5. Complete COCOMO considers a software as a

Homogeneous system

Heterogeneous system

6. Consider you are developing a web application, which would make use of a lot of web services provided by Facebook, Google, Flickr. Would it be wise to make estimates for this project using COCOMO?

Yes, of course

Not at all

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