Results and analysis
Response of velocities in with t
(yellow curve: u velocity in x dir; Red curve: v velocity in y dir ; Blue curve: w velocity in z dir)
Response of displacement with time
(yellow curve: disp in x dir; Red curve: disp in y dir ; Blue curve: disp in z dir)
Response of Euler angles with time
(yellow curve: dispɸ; Red curve: disp in Ɵ ; Blue curve: dispψ)
Verification of Results:
To validate the simulink results, model is given single input force at a time and plots are observed as shown:
Response of velocities in with t , when only one step input force in x dir is given
(yellow curve: u velocity in x dir; rest of the curves has null value since no force input is given in another direction)
Response of displacement with time, when only one step input force in x dir is given
(yellow curve: disp in x dir; rest of the curves has null value since no force input is given in anotherdirection)