Keep all the resistances (R1, R2, R3, RL) close to their respective maximum values.
Choose any arbitrary values of V1 and V2.
Experiment Part Select:
Case 1:
Select switch of S1 to Power and S2 to load. Simulate the program.
Observe the result from Table 1.
Case-2: a)Thevenin Voltage analysis: Apply switch S1 to power and S2 to intermediate. Simulate the program.Read Thevenin voltage (Vth) from Case 2 tab.
b)Thevenin Resistance analysis: Apply switch S1 to short and S2 to power. Simulate the program. Read Thevenin resistance
(Rth) from Case 2 tab.
Case-3: Using Vth and Rth determine Load Current: Specify the load resistance in case of the result table as the same load resistance entered in the main circuit. Simulate the program.
Read Load current (IL) from Case 3 tab.
Compare the load currents (IL) obtained from above two cases.
MC-Moving Coil.
DPDT- Double pole Double throw.
N.B.:- All the resistances are in ohms.